Should I create a new Git branch locally or on GitHub first?

It’s generally better to create a new Git branch locally first and then push it to GitHub. Here’s why:

1. Create the Branch Locally First

Creating a branch locally gives you full control and flexibility before sharing it with others. The workflow typically looks like this:

  1. Create the branch locally:
    git checkout -b new-branch-name
  2. Work on your changes.
  3. Commit your changes:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Description of changes"
  4. Push the branch to GitHub:
    git push origin new-branch-name

Benefits of Creating Locally First:

  • Control: You have the opportunity to make changes and commits before sharing the branch on GitHub.
  • Avoiding Mistakes: It’s easier to catch and fix any mistakes locally before making the branch visible to others.
  • History: Commits will already be in place when you push, giving collaborators more context about your changes.

2. Create the Branch on GitHub First

You can also create a branch directly on GitHub and then fetch it locally:

  1. Create a new branch on GitHub via the web interface.
  2. Fetch and check out the branch locally:
    git fetch origin
    git checkout -b new-branch-name origin/new-branch-name

When to Create on GitHub First:

  • Collaboration: If you need to create a branch quickly for collaboration (e.g., for someone else to start working on it immediately), creating it on GitHub first can make sense.
  • Protection: Sometimes, teams enforce branch protection policies (e.g., on the main branch). Creating branches on GitHub might automatically apply those policies.


  • Local First: Provides flexibility, control, and is the most common practice for individual developers or when working on a feature before sharing it.
  • GitHub First: Useful for initiating collaboration quickly or if your team has specific branch management policies.

In most cases, creating the branch locally first is the preferred approach.

How to rename GitHub repository

To rename a GitHub repository, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the repository on GitHub:

    • Log in to your GitHub account.
    • Navigate to the repository you want to rename.
  2. Access the repository settings:

    • Click on the “Settings” tab at the top of the repository page.
  3. Rename the repository:

    • In the “General” section, look for the “Repository name” field.
    • Edit the repository name to your desired new name.
  4. Confirm the change:

    • After entering the new name, scroll down and click the “Rename” button to apply the changes.

Additional Notes

  • GitHub will automatically redirect links to the old repository name to the new one, but it’s still a good idea to update any references (like in your local Git configurations or documentation).
  • In your local copy, you should update the remote URL using the command:
git remote set-url origin