Why am I learning Mobile Game Development?
I always enjoyed making games on C64 and Amiga (AMOS Professional was great!) when I was a kid. Platformers and turn-based RPG games. It is now different time and smartphone games are all the rage. I always wanted to try making some simple mobile game but the first problem was that I am a busy web developer (Codeigniter then Laravel ..) so I don’t have much time for this. The biggest turn off for me was that you have to learn Java or Objective-C to develop for Android or IOS. Yes, it is not hard but somehow I don’t like to learn these languages (and I don0t have MAC). I tried hybrid app development (phonegap,intel xdk..) for a while but using HTM5/CSS somehow just didn’t feel right, especially for gaming. Maybe one day we will get there for now it just can’t compete with native games. So I always ended up giving up on mobile development….. until I discovered there is a “3rd” way! (Yes, I am new to this 😛 )
Mobile Game Development with Gideros / Lua
Somehow I found Corona SDK (I decided to not use it after reading some forums), Moai, Monkey but finally I decided to use Gideros. I couldn’t believe that you can make fast, almost native speed apps with a language that is not Java or Obj-C! I never used Lua so I am still learning it but somehow it just feels right. So far I am loving Gideros! It is simple, it is free, it has in-built editor and a lot of plugins to get you started. Sure, it is not for the most complicated 3D games but for simple games it is great! One of the best things for me is that you simply install their app on your smartphone and you can test you apps literally instantly over wi-fi! Modify some code, save, click play and you app will play on your smartphone/tablet!
What do I need to start with Gideros Mobile Game Development?
First, download Gideros for your OS. I will use Windows version. Second, you should try to get familiar with Lua scripting language.
What kind of tutorial will this be?
I am just a beginner in mobile development, Lua and Gideros so this is not for well versed mobile dev coders. I am making these tutorials so I can come back if I forget things and to write down my progress so in a way you can learn with me. I gave myself a 30 day challenge to see how it goes. I will start with installation and then with basics.
First part is coming tomorrow, stay tuned.
PS: My main focus is of course still web development with Laravel so I will continue posting Laravel articles. The blog is not turning itno mobile dev blog. This is just a side “project”, a learning experience I want to share 🙂