There are several reasons why you can get “No connection / Retry” error message in your Google Play or Market. Some are really a connection, wifi or 3G related and some aren’t. There is another reason that might give you this message and it is not really related to connection. This happened to me when I had Samsung Spica. Wifi was on but I still got the “No connection / Retry” message. After trying nearly every “hack” solution, reinstalling Spicagenmod, downgrading Google Play to Market etc I still got the same error. I only realized that the solution is much simpler after I opened Opera Mini that gave me this error :
Connection Failed : Verification of server certificate failed. Please check the date setting in your device
I went straight to Settings -> Date & Time and it was set to year 2005! The reason why this happened is because Spica battery was really old and every time I turned the phone off the date reset itself to 2005. I changed date back to correct date and everything started working instantly – Google Play / Market and Opera. I wish I knew this before I spent few hours with every other fix possible.
As I mentioned there are many reasons why you can get “No connection / Retry”. If this doesn’t solve your problem then unfortunately it’s something different.